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احجز ساعة واحدة
جلسة شفاء الحيوانات
هل لم يكن حيوانك الأليف هو نفسه مؤخرًا؟
أ بعيد شفاء الطاقة يمكن أن يساعد حيوانك الأليف على العودة إلى حالة جسدية أكثر توازناً و الحالة العاطفية! تستجيب معظم الحيوانات جيدًا لشفاء الطاقة. تستخدم سارة الريكي والتخاطر و حدسيها شفاء الهدايا مع الحيوانات بنفس الطريقة التي تتعامل بها مع عملائها من البشر.

Negative Entity Be Gone Sacred Clearing Course
(6, 12 or 20 Sessions)
This Course is all about Clearing Demonic possession which is something that many people are plagued with currently.
Are you having nightmares?
Feeling a negative presence?
Having bad luck on all levels?
Have you seen or suspected that there are negative entities around you?
Most likely you have a possession that needs to cleansed and cleared out of your system.
Demonic entities (also called Archons, demons, and negative spirits) have interfered with humankind for millennia.
There are certain gifted people who are targets and get interfered with on a personal level.
Sarah will scan to see if you have been subjected this kind of interference and will remove the entity/entities and teach you how to keep your system clear. She will also teach you how to shield yourself, which prevents negative entities/demons from accessing you.
Archons/demons/negative entities feed on the energy field which eventually destroys the physical body and breaks it down. Many times, this causes disease and medical issues. Once they are removed, you will notice your health go up and you will start to heal.
This offering also includes a parasite cleanse.
After much research and personal experience Sarah has come to the conclusion that demons/Archons/fallen beings/negative beings manifest in the auric field and start to physically manifest into the body via parasites in the gut system and body. These feed on the physical body and anchor the demons/archons into the 3D physical body.
The CDC released an article a few years ago that said most of humanity is infested with parasite.
Yes, many people are possessed and being fed on energetically and physically.
Signs of possession include:
Being negative constantly
Having no energy
Being super judgemental
Being abusive
Toxicity in the body
Being controlling
Being a pessimist
Energy vampire
Lack of empathy love and compassion
Being depressed
Being shady
Being unhappy
Being sick all of the time
Porn addiction
Food addiction
Drug addiction
Lack of inspiration
Being afraid
Living in fear
Being in a state of chaos
Being tired constantly
To name a few of the signs of possession
Sarah has been shown that the possession issue is so bad right now in society and that demons/archons control society. It affects all levels of society, all walks of life. Including top government officials, doctors, lawyers, corporations, business owners, teachers, everyone is potentially affected.
If you're in a state of fear (or have any of the issues listed above), you're more open to these dark entities and most likely are afflicted.
This is why people are mind-controlled to be unhealthy and to fill their bodies with things that lower their frequency such as mass media or literal poisons that they ingest, such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and GMO food.
All of these are of dense frequencies which keep your energy field down. Lower frequencies create the perfect habitat for demons/archons/negative entities.
If you're always feeling tired, down, sick, unwell, sad, and have addictions to anything, you most likely have a possession.
Book this offering and work with Sarah if you want to shift your life into a state of happiness and feeling good.
This is deep work so please don’t sign up unless your serious about doing this sacred work.
This offering goes deep as we must not only clear the negative entities we will also rebuild the energetic body and clear ancestral demons along with clearing ancestral trauma which allows demons to anchor in. You will address your past lives and cleanse and clear any negative contracts with negative entities in your past lives.
In this offering you are required to do a parasite detox as this helps clear parasites which are the physical anchors for demonic entities-my parasite cleanse us simple yet very effective and is life changing-you will be guided on how to safely and effectively detox of parasites
This offering has different options:
Package is $1444 for 6 sessions, $2888 for 12 sessions
and $8888 for 20 sessions (for deeper cases of possesion).
We offer payment plans and if you wish to do payments please email our team for arrangements

The Change Your Life Protocol
an in depth parasite gut healing detox course
(6,12,15 or 20 Sessions)
A little knowledge about parasites I have gathered from personal experience.
Do you know that parasites are the physical manifestation of negative entities otherwise called wetiko, archons or demons in the body? listen up because all of those mental health issues-bad thoughts-sicknesses and depression (you name it) that your dealing with whether it’s on a physical level or spiritual is most likely coming from a parasitic infection.
Yes, demons manifest in the body via physical parasites.
Don’t let anyone fool you btw there is no healer or spiritual leader that is of a higher frequency unless they have detoxed of parasites extensively and its deep shadow physical work, as when these things die off you will feel like you’re dying yourself and face your greatest fear of death itself, but each time you face it you will become more powerful and fearless btw.
I call these things the demons in the gut and they are the actual cause of trauma, disease and premature aging and death and every mental illness you can think of In fact even people who are insecure, promiscuous and have trauma are full of these things and can only heal and be free when they do physical shadow work aka detoxing these low vibration things out of their sacred body which is the physical temple of the divine soul light of God.
Yes, these parasites are the literal frequency of death and they weigh your mind body and soul down on a vibrational level-this allows your system to be the perfect environment for sickness disease and other maladies.
When we remove these physical manifestations of demonic entities called parasites from the body we ascend yes, our frequency goes up this is why cleansing your temple aka the body where the spirit resides is so important.
The medical system is run by the dark forces and that’s why the medical establishment denies the truth of parasites which are the serpent that caused the fall of frequency yes, the original translation was a worm in the garden that caused the fall (fall in frequency) not a serpent (the garden is the body btw) the bible often refers to the body as a temple or garden
Everyone has worms, In fact the CDC has openly published articles saying how many Americans are full of parasites that effect their mental health yet the mainstream medical establishment is in complete denial of this fact again because it’s run by the dark forces trying to hide the truth.
You see people full of parasites everywhere, in the big bellied, protruding abdomen, saddlebag-hipped big-butt bodies. On the other end of the spectrum, they exist hidden deep in the gut of other-wise lean figures who still "just don't feel quite right". Some feel them move, even. Almost everyone, however, struggles in their own internal narratives. Rope worms in the body are disturbers of our peace, and robbers of our divinity.
"You suffer, for Satan and his diseases torment your bodies." - Jesus Christ, The Essene Gospel of Peace(this is coded about parasites in our bodies)you can evict these fallen creatures via doing a deep parasite cleanse and honestly mine took two years and I did loads of meditation with it(you can’t detox these things via breathwork reiki or any other energy healing work and anyone trying to sell you such are lying to you and simply trying to profit off of you-you need a legit deep physical cleansing using sacred herbs to cleanse out the body of these things (again personal experience) by removing the worms, you ascend and raise your frequency. As the archons/demons/wetiko physical anchors called parasites leave your body your frequency rises, so will you and the veils will part for you. This is called Gnosis. This is the truth that has been hidden from humanity, and the foundation upon which all pain and suffering has been built upon…
People who have parasites/demons.
Promiscuous as the entities/parasites want to infect others and use the host to do so.
Addicts (alcohol tobacco food porn etc) addicts have many entity’s parasites.
Abusers-narcissists-service to self-liars-negative people-power hungry-closed minded-controlling.
Also, all mental illness and all physical illnesses.
Yes, even having bad luck when it comes to success love wealth-parasites weigh you down on a vibrational level so that you can’t manifest these things and when you remove them life gets so amazing.
To name a few traits of those infected…
Congratulations on becoming informed about holistic healing at a time when big pharma and junk food is rampant.
Signing up for this course begins a divine journey to deep healing and wellness. This Detox course is a deep cleanse to rid your body of parasites, mucoid plaque, heavy metals, mould, candida, it’s life changing and it delivers amazing healing results.
Please don’t sign up for this course unless you are serious about healing on all levels (be serious about doing the work or don’t sign up).
I have a set list of protocols that deliver so please don’t cheat diet wise in this course otherwise you will need to start over again as it takes a three-month period to heal your gut system and the protocols I have you do will heal your gut system which is a major key to healing yourself on all levels.
Also, you will have an intense time as these parasites etc. die off, you may feel flu-like symptoms, you may feel sluggish and sleepy. However, after the enema protocol it is normal to feel much better and even euphoric. There will be ups and downs with your energy and mood. This is normal. As you keep doing this process, you will feel better and better, and the lows will not be as low. Eventually after enough detoxing you will ascend into states of higher consciousness such as bliss and pure joy. This journey may take 6 months and up to a year for some as this has been my experience. A few more positive things I’ve noticed from detoxing is that every time I expelled a parasite my abundance of money shot up higher and higher. More people were attracted to me. More doors opened for me. Also, a big learning experience was that as I went higher and yes you actually ascend higher every time you expel parasites as they are dense energy holding you down on a vibrational level I was shown I wasn’t in resonance with people in my life whom I saw were parasitic and the universe removed them. So, this is a total body mind soul and body cleanse. It will truly remove everything in your life that’s low vibrational. Also note I did not need caffeine anymore and my body even refused green tea as my body has more energy without caffeine and disliked the feeling of it of whom it showed me that caffeine throws off the nervous system and ages the body. As I healed more and more my body related visions to me about foods people habits etc and guided me to elevate myself on all levels (your system will reject what’s negative).
Also, this cleanse will make you look a decade younger and you will be dancing around like a happy child.
We go deep and as you detox of the physical parasites we work on cleansing the energy body (aura/chakra system/ energetic pathways) via energetic work we do together. We cleanse past and present life trauma (ancestral trauma) we rebuild the light body just to name a few of the long list of energy work we will be doing in this course.
Package is $2222 for 6 sessions, $3333 for 12 sessions
$9999 for 15 sessions and $15555 for 20 sessions
We offer payment plans and if you wish to do payments please email our team for arrangements

Children’s Healing Multidimensional Energy Sessions
(Custom package)
Working with children has been very close to Sarah’s heart. She has been very successful in helping children with health issues such as ADHD, Autism, Depression, Allergies, etc., as well as issues of trauma from abuse and bullying.
Sarah uses powerful energy work and also homeopathy and herbal remedies to help your child feel better on all levels. She will advise you on what to give your child to detox them of parasites and heavy metals, and she will also channel what foods your child needs, and/or is allergic to.
Sarah clears abuse patterns and helps heal children of the trauma from abuse/bullying. She can put a protection shield around your child. Additionally, she teaches them how to channel light energy and to protect themselves.
She will teach you, the parent/guardian, how to create an energetic shield to protect your child, and you will learn how to use your abilities to channel light energy into your child to keep them in a higher frequency.
Sarah has also been very successful with helping psychic/gifted/Starseed/Indigo/Crystal children how to work with their abilities and how to control them. For example, seeing ghosts/spirits can be unnerving to children and to their parents/caregivers. Sarah can help everyone navigate this and how to provide protection.
She will teach them energy work and how to connect to the angels and light beings, if you and your child are open to this teaching.
Sarah can also help you with information if you would like to learn how to teach your child about spiritual things, such as teaching them how to charge themselves with light energy, and to clear themselves of negative energy. Sarah can also clear ancestral negative imprints on your child and protect them from negative entities.
The first step is to have a consultation with Sarah to discuss which topic(s) you are interested in having Sarah assist your child. Once this has been decided, Sarah will recommend the number of sessions needed.
Sessions can involve your child being on the call along with you, but they don’t need to be; Sarah is able to work energetically on your child without needing to speak with them, if you prefer.
Fill out the request form to book a 15 minute consultation call.

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